I haven't written for a while, i know; I have a lot of school stuff to do, but it doesn't matter because none cares, whatever, yesterday I went to the cinema with Diane, we saw "Gravedad", I'll write about it...
I found out about the movie while watching the Catching Fire's trailer, beside it there was another trailer, Gravedad's one, as I told you on my very first entry, I'll be an astronaut, so I love space and all this stuff, and the video was about it so I watched it and I loved the effects, but the movie would be in theaters like three months later, and yesterday was the premiere.
Diane always go with me to the movies even if she doesn't like the movie, I guess she loves me, so we went to the cinema but before we ate pizza and spagetti, and there were little meat balls, that's funny for us.
After the best italian food ever, haha, we saw the Catching Fire's poster, there's a picture of it, it's the most beautiful thing, I know. We'll go to the premier on November 22nd, I can't wait!
Okay so about the movie... it has the most incredible effects ever, well I had never seen another space movie except Apolo 18 but it's so old so the effects were like oh well, so Gravedad was totally awesome in that way. The story is about a mission, and there are three astronauts, two boys and a girl, they're fixing the Hubble but they have to abort the mission because it's dangerous to stay there, Matt Kowalsky and Ryan Stone are the only survivors until the guy decides to leave the girl so she will survive, and she tries but a lot of bad things happens, the oxygen is empty, there's fire on the space ship, there's not fuel... but obviously the main character will survive and she's like inmortal or something.
For me the movie was just flawless because I love the context and the effects, and I was with Diane so I had a good Friday, I hope you guys had a good one, too.
Love Always,
Okay since now I'll end all my entries with this. Why? because I want to. Haha, just kidding, because I read a book named 'The perks of being a wallflower', it's a very popular book, I guess you have already hear about it, whatever, the main character always ends his letters with "Love Always, Charlie" but my name is not Ignacio or even Charlie, so I'll end in that way, thanks for reading!