sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

The Incident, a.k.a the best movie ever by Isaac Ezban.

Okay so me and some friends went to the Cabo Film Fest last month and we saw this amazing piece of art called The Incident, I wrote a review for it and here it is:

Winner of the most amazingly bizarre and wonderful movie I've ever seen. Since always, the fact of time and how opportunities come and go seemed to be a mystery to me, not the definitions themselves - those are pretty clear- but how we spend them or, rather say, waste them.

Like Oliver's brother said, "we spend our lives waiting for the end of the day and another to come so we can end the stage where we are and it will finally get better; but when it comes, we realize that yesterday was much better and that, unfortunately, we can't return it". The Incident has left me with a very good taste, with so many questions but mostly a lot of answers; and with the beating conclusion that the moments are so fleeting that we must enjoy every single one, we don't know from what circumstances are our parallel "I's" coming through – an infinite railway, an endless road or a hall with no last– so we can stay where we're at. 

Ezban is now one of my favorite persons in the world, I've had the pleasure to see him at the Cabo Film Fest and, what a paradox, I wasted the chance to take a picture with him. Anyways, this film is a representation of the sacrifices you have to do to live life as you've imagined it. Can't wait to see Isaac's future films, this one is from afar a pretty cool full of metaphors movie!

Also there was the guionist, Isaac Ezban, who gave me an autographed flyer of the movie! 

Love Always, 

Portfolio 2.0

Hello again to this not-so-awesome section of my blog, the school stuff, yay!

So today I'm going to write, and you're going to read, about the things I've learned in English class this Period, here we go...

1.- Being active. 

As we all know, our life must be surrounded by sports, and if there's something we all really hate is basically sports haha, so anyways I'm going to show you some of them and the stuff I know about...

Capoeira: it's this fight-dancing thing people do with really big white pants,
Yoga: if your mother never went to only one yoga class and then left, is she really your mother?
Karate: every single kid wanted to do karate but only few ones really stayed, my best friend goes to karate lessons and I've been in her presentations and one time a little stupid girl won a medanlshe absolutley dind't deserved, I really hate that girl!
Bowling: is this really a sport? I don't even know but you just need to throw a really havy ball and to wear really uncomfortable shoes.
Horseback riding: okay, I've heard once that a girl lost her virginity doing that kind of stuff so I'm not really into it, ew.
Diving: if there's something I really hate is the sea and everything in it. Just nope.
Mountain Dew, haha jk, Mountain biking: I don't have a bike so this is not for me.
Kickboxing: I just can think of Patrick the Star in that Spongebob's episode, haha, when he called him fatty, haha so funny.

2.- Weather. 

There're so many proverbs abou weather and I'm going to write them down for you guys ;)

  • If the sky is red at night, it will be sunny the following day. Amazing, huh?
  • If clouds look like the scales of a fish, it will be windy or stormy.
  • If the sky is clear at night and you can see the moon, there will be a frost in the morning.
  • If the stars shine bright, like in that Yellow Coldplay's song, it will be a cold night.
Isn't all of these proverbs so full of wisdom? None cares but well, haha.

3.- What does your future holds?

We all have a future, unless you're a suicidal guy and even if that's the case, you'll have one, a bad one, but one. We must be concerned about it but honestly I don't care, future is composed by nows, like Margo Roth Spiegelman said to Quentin once. But the day I wake up with the love of my life at my side and he's still sleeping, I'll know I've made it, I studied and got married, I'll know everything finally worth it. So in my future I want to be a dentist who really enojys being a dentist, I want to live in any City but Cabo. I want to travel and live adventures. I want to say I had a good life.

So these were my 3 favorites topics in the period, hope you enjoyed them!

Love Always, 

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

Back to school!

Ewww, so vacations are over and I came back to school again, so today I'm going to write about the topics we've seen since August, yay! Haha, it's not really interesting but well.

water cycle

1.- The Water Cycle.

As you may know, the earth has a limited amount of water, and that water keeps going around and around and around and around and (well, you get the idea) in what we call the "Water Cycle". This cycle is made up of a few main parts:

1. evaporation (and transpiration)

2. condensation

3. precipitation
4. collection

Evaporation is when the sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or the ocean and turns it into vapor or steam. The water vapor or steam leaves the river, lake or ocean and goes into the air.

Water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds. This is called condensation.

Precipitation occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore.  The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow.

When water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land.  When it ends up on land, it will either soak into the earth and become part of the “ground water” that plants and animals use to drink or it may run over the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts all over again.

2.- The Planets in our Solar System.

There're eight planets in our Solar System, plus obviously the Sun. They're (in order from de Sun):

1.- Mercury: the closest planet to the Sun and the eighth largest.
2.- Venus: the sixth largest; Venus' orbit is the most nearly circular of that of any planet, with an eccentricity of less than 1%.
3.- Earth: the fifth largest; the only planet whose English name does not derive from Greek/Roman mythology but from Old English and Germanic. This is our home, the place where we all live in peace as one. Like Lennon said once, haha.
4.- Mars: is the fourth planet from the Sun and the seventh largest, it's called "the red planet".
5.- Jupiter: is the fifth planet from the Sun and by far the largest. Jupiter is more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined (the mass of Jupiter is 318 times that of Earth).
6.- Saturn: is the second largest, it has kind of "rings" around it.
7.- Haha, Uranus:  the third largest (by diameter). Uranus is larger in diameter but smaller in mass than Neptune. It has a really nice blue color and the funnier name ever.
8.- Neptune: it has nothing in common with Poseidon, the king of the Sea, or ever with Finnick, the king of Panem's sea... it's the last one and the cooler.

3.- Bad habits.

We all know that a bad habit is a negative behaviour pattern, that most of us have but don't want to admit... 

Something like chewing gum, burst, be late, smoke, iterrumpt a conversation, being rude, being cholo, cani or wachiturro, have bad table manners or whatever, we need to quit them now, for God's love.

4.- Our planet.

The Earth has given us home for thousands of years, and in return, we have only been damaging and killing it slowly with events such as: 

  • deforestation
  • overpopulation 
  • pollution
  • hunting endangered animals 
  • overexploating natural resources 

We must remember that if we keep doing the same thing without giving anything positive to the planet, at some point it will just stop being the amazing home we've ever known, and that will not be enough for our future generations.

That's all folks! See you later, I guess...

Love Always, 

viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Kahlo a.k.a queen

So today I'm gonna write about the best mexican ever, she's like my idk, i just love her so much, here's Frida Kahlo.

Frida Kahlo is one of the greatest Mexican artists. Born in Coyoacán , Mexico on July 6, 1907. Her husband was Diego Rivera and they I lived in a blue house. 

When he was 5 years old suffered a very serious disease called polio, Frida survived, but one of his legs became very weak , shorter and thinner than the other.
His father was a photographer and artist and always had a very deep relationship with Frida. He spoke about the ancient art of Mexico , about architecture and taught him to use the camera. This was central to the art she would later.
Frida grew during the Mexican Revolution, which influenced not only her life but her art. At age 18, Frida had a terrible accident. The bus he was traveling in was hit by a tram. She suffered several broken bones and severe injuries to his back. After the accident, Frida had to be lying motionless for many months and this is where he began to paint .

"I tried to drown my demons, but they learned to swim."

She made several portraits of family and friends, but especially painted herself surrounded by things that were important to her, and that caused her pain.
After the Mexican Revolution the new government hired artists to paint several large murals on the walls of public buildings. They painted the history of Mexico for people to feel proud of their culture and their past.

That time was very difficult for Frida became pregnant several times and lost their babies, she wanted to return to their homeland and not Diego. Then decided to return and was separated from him for some time, but eventually got back together. By this time her work had become as famous as her husband . Frida painted their feelings, their emotions and their pain and for that used colorful and traditional figures of his country and religious images of Mexican folk art.
Frida fell in love with Diego, 20 years ager than Frida. They married and traveled together to the States. They lived in several cities where Diego had contracts to paint murals .

Sometimes his art has been categorized as surrealistic, like coming from the dream, but as she herself said, 

" They [ the art critics ] think I'm surreal, but it's not true , I'm not : I I have never painted what I dream. I paint my own reality. "

She had a very sad and painful end, the pain came over her preventing a normal life and a year before his death had a leg amputated and then died in his blue house, that is now a museum.

I don't know when did I started liking her so much, I just know that I do and I hope that you enjoyed reading about her. 

 Love Always,

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Best Love Story Ever!

Okay I know I haven't written for a while but ehm, first of all Happy Holidays everyone!
I started a new semester on my school and now I need to study and all this stuff, so today I'll just write about a love story. Actually, the best love story you'll ever read. By me. Enjoy it, haha.

"Two weeks ago in the blue ocean, lived a shark. Near the sea there was a barn with horses and one day a horse ran away. The horse reached the shore and he was thirsty so he started drinking. But the shark came ready to eat him entirely and when he had the mouth open to attack him, their eyes met. The world stopped for a while. It was perfect. There and then, they understood it: that their lifes were now complete. That what they needed was to spend the rest of their lives together. So the horse, without doubting, jumped into the sea to be with his love. There were not even twelve minutes past when the horse stopped touching the sand and began to sink. The shark looked at him horrified, there was no way to help him, he even hasn't legs. And there he stood, seeing his big love dying. When his dear was nothing but a body floating, the shark died of sorrow. One hour later a whale went out there and ate them both. Finally, the lovers would have a place where to spend the rest of the eternity together, although it was only the colon of a whale. End."

Inspiring, isn't it?

Love Always, 