viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Kahlo a.k.a queen

So today I'm gonna write about the best mexican ever, she's like my idk, i just love her so much, here's Frida Kahlo.

Frida Kahlo is one of the greatest Mexican artists. Born in Coyoacán , Mexico on July 6, 1907. Her husband was Diego Rivera and they I lived in a blue house. 

When he was 5 years old suffered a very serious disease called polio, Frida survived, but one of his legs became very weak , shorter and thinner than the other.
His father was a photographer and artist and always had a very deep relationship with Frida. He spoke about the ancient art of Mexico , about architecture and taught him to use the camera. This was central to the art she would later.
Frida grew during the Mexican Revolution, which influenced not only her life but her art. At age 18, Frida had a terrible accident. The bus he was traveling in was hit by a tram. She suffered several broken bones and severe injuries to his back. After the accident, Frida had to be lying motionless for many months and this is where he began to paint .

"I tried to drown my demons, but they learned to swim."

She made several portraits of family and friends, but especially painted herself surrounded by things that were important to her, and that caused her pain.
After the Mexican Revolution the new government hired artists to paint several large murals on the walls of public buildings. They painted the history of Mexico for people to feel proud of their culture and their past.

That time was very difficult for Frida became pregnant several times and lost their babies, she wanted to return to their homeland and not Diego. Then decided to return and was separated from him for some time, but eventually got back together. By this time her work had become as famous as her husband . Frida painted their feelings, their emotions and their pain and for that used colorful and traditional figures of his country and religious images of Mexican folk art.
Frida fell in love with Diego, 20 years ager than Frida. They married and traveled together to the States. They lived in several cities where Diego had contracts to paint murals .

Sometimes his art has been categorized as surrealistic, like coming from the dream, but as she herself said, 

" They [ the art critics ] think I'm surreal, but it's not true , I'm not : I I have never painted what I dream. I paint my own reality. "

She had a very sad and painful end, the pain came over her preventing a normal life and a year before his death had a leg amputated and then died in his blue house, that is now a museum.

I don't know when did I started liking her so much, I just know that I do and I hope that you enjoyed reading about her. 

 Love Always,