domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

All good things must last.

Hey, guys! So this post that you're reading is maybe the last one I'm going to write. 

Why? Well, because MynameisnotIgnacio is a school's blog and this week my English teacher, Miss Woodward, is going to retire; so we're going to have another teacher and probably he/she will not continue with the blog stuff. But hey! You can keep in touch with me, my social network is all here!

But well, let's continue with the normal post.. today I'm going to write about the funniest/greatest/kindest teacher worldwide. And it's, obviously, Miss Woodward.

She'd been my English teacher since first semester, and she was just so funny. Everytime we wouldn't shut up, she was just like "QUIET!" and this, instead of calming us down, made us laugh.

Once, she told me and Eynar a little bit of her story and she's just so amazing. Can you imagine? She's a Chemical Pharmaco from the UNAM! And her son speaks like 3 languages. And she survived a terrifying accident. And she is very creative and good with handcraft. And, best of all, she's from Manzanillo, like me!

But now she's going to retire and I just want to let her know that we really appreciate her. For being our tutor and for being a really nice person with us. We'll miss you, Miss Woodward!

Love Always,

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

Traveling around the world

Hi again, guys!

So here's the deal: in my school, there's this new way to "give us free grades" just by talking about different countries, obviously focusing on the different subjects. For example, in biology we searched about some cientist from various lands; and in English class we talked about a country, in my case, it was Germany. But now I'm going to give you my top 3 places to visit before I die...

3.- Big Ben, London.
Why? Well because Peter Pan lived there and I want to see if London is near to Neverland.

2.- Eiffel Tower, France.
Why? Because who on Earth wouldn't like to go there? I mean, duh.

1.- Piazza Navona, Italy. 
Why? Because I read this book called "The Eternal Ones" and the story unfolds here; also because I wanted to virtually go but Google Earth doesn't allow you so it's kinda misterious.

Love Always, 