domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

The online pictionary is here!

Hello again, I just want to say that I've made an online pictionary abou the third module of my english classes, you just need to click the word you want to see and the image will appear, you can find it HERE, hope you like it (I'm talking to Miss Woodward, haha)

Love Always, 

My favorites movies

On my last entries, I wrote about my favorites books, and if you don't know, I love books and movies, so now I'll tell you my top 3 in movies:

In number 3:

3 idiots. The story is about 3 idiots, *oh, really?*. And they're in college and well it was funny so I liked it. The bad thing is that it lasts 3 hours and I saw it in like a week. You can watch the trailer HERE

In number 2:

Catching Fire. I'd been waiting more than a year for its premiere, and when it finally came out, I will just tell you that it worth it, the movie is soooooo like the book and I loved the effects, I can't wait for Mockingjay I! You can watch the trailer HERE

In number 1:

500 days of Summer. Okay well I love chickflicks and this movie is the queen of them, so I just love it. I mean, who wouldn't like to be 500 days friendzoned with someone? haha, just kidding, I love the end, 'My name is Autumn', and when the days start again with the 'She's got you high and you don't even know yet'. You can watch the trailer HERE

So these are my favorite movies, well three of them because I can't remember another movie right now, I hope you liked it, see you!

Love Always, 

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


Hi hi hi hi hi! Oh I don't know how to start, but well, *insert an introduction here* ok, let's go...

Yesterday I went to Cabo-kon, which is a convention of anime and manga and all of this otaku stuff, whatever, so I went there with Diane and Yazmin and I bought two mockingjay pins, one of THG, the first book of Suzanne Collins's trilogy, and the other one of CF, the second one;I had been looking for them soooooo long so I was so excited, I love them so much., they're so cute or I don't know how to describe them.

That day we ate hamburgers and ice cream and we watched all the cosplays, there was a lot of them, each year it gets kinda bigger, and well, we did a lot of fun stuff, I had an amazing weekend; tomorrow I'll write about today, today is my birthday by the way, I'm getting older.

There's a picture of our sodas at burger king, it's so hipster but I just wanted to have a pic of that day, lol.

Love Always,

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

New book obsession coming!

I had already told you that I love Divergent, by Veronica Roth. I read it in Spanish, but the second part, Insurgent, is only in available in America, so I'll read it in English but I don't mind, whatever. Yesterday finally came out the last part of the trilogy, Allegiant, I'll be waiting so long for it, and I'll have to read it in PDF because I can't buy the paper book right now and I need it desperatly.
Here I come, Allegiant!

Love Always,

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

It's me again

I haven't written for a while, i know; I have a lot of school stuff to do, but it doesn't matter because none cares, whatever, yesterday I went to the cinema with Diane, we saw "Gravedad", I'll write about it...

I found out about the movie while watching the Catching Fire's trailer, beside it there was another trailer, Gravedad's one, as I told you on my very first entry, I'll be an astronaut, so I love space and all this stuff, and the video was about it so I watched it and I loved the effects, but the movie would be in theaters like three months later, and yesterday was the premiere.

Diane always go with me to the movies even if she doesn't like the movie, I guess she loves me, so we went to the cinema but before we ate pizza and spagetti, and there were little meat balls, that's funny for us.

After the best italian food ever, haha, we saw the Catching Fire's poster, there's a picture of it, it's the most beautiful thing, I know. We'll go to the premier on November 22nd, I can't wait!

Okay so about the movie... it has the most incredible effects ever, well I had never seen another space movie except Apolo 18 but it's so old so the effects were like oh well, so Gravedad was totally awesome in that way. The story is about a mission, and there are three astronauts, two boys and a girl, they're fixing the Hubble but they have to abort the mission because it's dangerous to stay there, Matt Kowalsky and Ryan Stone are the only survivors until the guy decides to leave the girl so she will survive, and she tries but a lot of bad things happens, the oxygen is empty, there's fire on the space ship, there's not fuel... but obviously the main character will survive and she's like inmortal or something.

For me the movie was just flawless because I love the context and the effects, and I was with Diane so I had a good Friday, I hope you guys had a good one, too.

Love Always,

Okay since now I'll end all my entries with this. Why? because I want to. Haha, just kidding, because I read a book named 'The perks of being a wallflower', it's a very popular book, I guess you have already hear about it, whatever, the main character always ends his letters with "Love Always, Charlie" but my name is not Ignacio or even Charlie, so I'll end in that way, thanks for reading!

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

My favorites books.

Okaaaaaaaaay, now I'll write about my favorite books, well, I have a lot of favorites books, I mean, they're books, they're all my favorites! but I don't want you to get bored so I'll just mention my top 5. 

Family pic (◕‿◕✿)
P.S: The book's covers are in Spanish, because I'm mexican, so...

In number 5:

¡Buenos días, princesa!, by Blue Jeans. 

I was at Ghandi's store and I looked this amazing thing, I don't know, the cover is sooooooo simple but I loved it. So I bought it. And then I read it. And then I loved it. The book tells the story of six friends and how did they became part of the «the club of the misunderstood». There's romance (if you didn't saw the big heart in the cover), confusions and a lot of things that I just loved. At the end, in the last sentence, specifically, I was like in shock, I needed to read the second part but there's no available in México so I had to read it in PDF. Whatever, ¡Buenos días, princesa! and No sonrías que me enamoro are fantastic books, I'm waiting for the 3rd part of the trilogy.

In number 4 i have this:

Eternos, by Kristen Miller.

The last Christmas my dad bought me a book called Deseos, so I started reading it but... Oh surprise! It was the 2nd part, well done daddy! I looked for it so hard until I finally got the 1st part, Eternos, I fell in love with this book so deeply, seriously. The story is about some kind of people who have returned from the dead to live new lives remembering the previous, so the protagonists are looking each other because en all the past lives they'd found themselves. This book is so weird, I think that's why I love it. I think there'll be a 3rd part, because the other book ends so hard. And if the writer doesn't make another one, I'm going to force her to write it. Seriously.

At 3rd place is:

The Hunger Games Trilogy, by Suzanne Collins.

Maybe my story will sound a little bit hunger, but I listened first to the soundtrack, then watched the movie and finally read the books. However, I love the way the books are written, there's no waste of time, it just keeps moving, the story is amazing, everything is just amazing. Tribute forever.

In 2nd place:

Y por eso rompimos, by Daniel Handler.

Just look at the cover. Look at it. Oh my gosh, it's perfect. Someone (my mom) told me once that a book becomes your favorite when you read it at the right moment of your life. It happened to me with this book. No at the part of breaking up, nah. I didn't even had a boyfriend when I read it. I mean the last fifteen pages. When she says in the letter all the things she think about life. It's perfect to me.

And at first place... *beating of drums*

Bajo la misma estrella, by John Green. 

They says "never judge a book by it's cover" but c'mon, this cover is awesome, I love blue color, by the way. The book tells the most beautiful story you could ever read. If you are looking for a book that you want to cry with it, smile with it, reflect with it or doing whatever with it, it's this one. It's per-fect.

Okay whoever who's reading this or maybe just me, these are my favorites books, I hope you didn't get bored or something.

Introducing me and stuff.

Okay, I suppose none will never read this except Miss Woodward so... Hello, Miss Woodward! However... 

I'll start introducing myself.

As you can see, my name is not Ignacio, my name is Nora. Nora Karina Sánchez Medina by the way. I'm 14 years old. Obviously I'm a mexican girl. I love reading, I love it, if I could get married with a book, I would. I don't know why but sometimes I start talking with awkward accents like spanish or british or italian or retarded. I also speak a little bit of french, Bonjour, vous êtes la lecture en français! Whatever... I'm a normal girl, I'm in love with people I'll never met, I think my mother doesn't likes me because she's always complaining or maybe it's normal, I don't know, I've never had another mom, and I don't think I'll ever have another one. I love The Hunger Games, maybe later I'll write something about that or another book. Oh, Miss Woodward or whoever who's reading this, I hope you don't fall asleep reading about my life, I'm a boring person, I know. Ok whatever, I'll write about things I like in other space, I want to be an astronaut, by the way.
Yoshi Ralph Mahomushi, the best dinosaur ever.