Okay, I suppose none will never read this except Miss Woodward so... Hello, Miss Woodward! However...
I'll start introducing myself.
As you can see, my name is not Ignacio, my name is Nora. Nora Karina Sánchez Medina by the way. I'm 14 years old. Obviously I'm a mexican girl. I love reading, I love it, if I could get married with a book, I would. I don't know why but sometimes I start talking with awkward accents like spanish or british or italian or retarded. I also speak a little bit of french, Bonjour, vous êtes la lecture en français! Whatever... I'm a normal girl, I'm in love with people I'll never met, I think my mother doesn't likes me because she's always complaining or maybe it's normal, I don't know, I've never had another mom, and I don't think I'll ever have another one. I love The Hunger Games, maybe later I'll write something about that or another book. Oh, Miss Woodward or whoever who's reading this, I hope you don't fall asleep reading about my life, I'm a boring person, I know. Ok whatever, I'll write about things I like in other space, I want to be an astronaut, by the way.
Yoshi Ralph Mahomushi, the best dinosaur ever.
Good!, It´s really interesting and nice!